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  • theblondepatriot

An Open Letter to U.S. Law Enforcement

Updated: Jun 15, 2020

We've had enough.

Photo Credit: Lindsey Wasson / Reuters

Dear Law Enforcement Officers in Washington State & Across America,

The time has come for all of us, as citizens of this great nation, to say “enough”. Enough of the abuse of men and women across this country – men and women who simply want to live in peace and want their families to be free from the fear of violence. Enough of the systemic degradation of individuals who experience opposition every single day. Enough of the hate, aggression, and out-of-control injustice toward people – humans – who deserve the basic right of fair treatment from our businesses, our academic institutions, and our politicians.

No, I’m not talking about racism or a variety of other social justice movements that currently have the spotlight. All Americans agree that this nation must uphold the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens, regardless of race or creed.

What I’m talking about here is the wanton disrespect, degradation, abandonment, and aggression currently being foisted upon the people who put on the uniform each day as members of the law enforcement community.

It’s no secret that police officers have to fear for their family’s safety because of their profession.

It’s no secret that the current narrative in this country enforces systemic degradation of law enforcement personnel. In medical terms, systemic means “affecting the whole body, or at least multiple organ systems”. Our country is infected with systemic degradation, with a hatred so pervasive towards law enforcement that we should be ashamed of how cold the hearts of some Americans have become towards our peacekeepers.

It’s no secret that police officers face aggressive, out-of-control, unjust treatment during the most mundane activities – eating in restaurants, ordering a drink, walking down the street, or informing a citizen on a traffic stop that their tail light is out.

It’s no secret that businesses, academic institutions, and politicians are tossed and blown about by every wind of social pressure – telling cops they are not welcome in their establishments, spitting in an officer’s meal, teaching children to despise law enforcement authorities, and stirring up hateful narratives that dehumanize police officers.

So we, citizens of Washington State and across this great nation, are saying, “enough”.

Members of law enforcement: we also want to say thank you. Thank you for everything that you do. Thank you to your families and loved ones, as well, for supporting you in your profession and encouraging you on every dark day you experience.

Continuing to serve our community in the midst of intense opposition shows real character, and I am grateful for you and everyone you serve with.

We see your sacrifice, and we will not abandon you. We are heartbroken every time you lose one of your own, and we are heartbroken to see the lack of support as well as the dismantling and rejection of institutions that were built to keep our communities safe.

There is a famous quote attributed to Edmund Burke which says, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Members of law enforcement: intervention is the only way to stop violence and evil, and you are the sheepdogs who protect us from evil. We have not forgotten. We promise that we never will forget.

The majority of Americans are so very grateful for your service and for everyone you serve with. We are proud of all of the good men and women serving in local police departments, sheriff’s departments, and agencies – protecting communities as state troopers, detectives, SWAT teams, school resource officers, air marshals, fish and game wardens, transit and railroad officers, university police, border patrol agents, federal law enforcement personnel in the FBI, DEA, ATF, and many others. You keep us safe in our cars, homes, businesses, restaurants, places of worship, classrooms, and public gathering spaces. You are continually there for us, and we commit today that we will be there for you in this era of opposition.

You are supported more than you know. And we vow to continue to support you.

We vow to humanize all members of law enforcement. We vow to pray for you. We vow to recognize you for the sacrifice you (and your loved ones) have made to keep our communities safe. We vow to stand up for you when you cannot stand up for yourselves. We will support you, and we will support your families. When we see you in a coffee shop, we will buy your drink – not because you can’t buy it for yourselves, but because we’re grateful for your commitment to keeping all of us safe, and it’s the least we can do. When you pull us over for speeding, we will speak to you with respect. When you drive through our neighborhoods, we will wave hello, and we will teach our children to respect you. We will mourn when you mourn, and we will stand up for you in the face of the strong gusts of momentary social pressure.

You are not alone. You are not abandoned. We vow to stand up for the law enforcement community in Washington State and across the United States of America. We love, respect, and support you. Stay strong, sheepdog.

In gratitude,

The Blonde Patriot, on behalf of The American People


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