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  • theblondepatriot

The Sky is Still Blue - Right?

When "truth" is selected for you and "facts" are curated for you, with all other opinions suppressed, you have to ask yourself - why are they so afraid of free speech?

In light of Twitter locking accounts and Facebook providing "fact checks" on content recently, the Blonde Patriot has some questions.

If this is misinformation about the Bidens or about particular perspectives on COVID, what are social media companies so afraid of? Why such drastic actions to shut down one perspective and promote another?

If truth is relative, how do they know what is true? They say these things are "discredited", but by whom?

You can discredit (disbelieve/not have confidence in) something and it can still be TRUE, despite someone just disliking that truth.

Suppose you want to believe that the sky is green; that may be "your truth" and you may say that any other opinions are discredited/unbelievable, but that doesn't make the blue sky appear any less blue to our eyes. Your thoughts and feelings may wish to distort reality to conform to your view, but it's incredibly arrogant to think that you know all truth and your view is inerrant.

If we took this to a darker, hyperbolic turn - let's examine the subject of murder. We all know murder is wrong - right? Why? Because of some universal truth that we all acknowledge deep down. So let's say someone wholeheartedly believes that murder is a great action to aspire toward and something people should absolutely support. For those of us who believe murder is wrong, how would it feel if we were silenced for saying so? Wouldn't that seem like a distortion of reality and everything we know about basic universal truth? At the very least, that wouldn't be a very fun world to live in, where murder is applauded and opposition to murder means a person's opinion needs to be blocked from public view. It just feels wrong.

Lastly, let's look at a third example. Let's say a group of people wholeheartedly believed that something basic like eating food of any kind or breathing is awful and not something that humans should do. Well, first of all, reality would catch up with them real quick. But let's say they want to have a social media campaign and thousands of people post articles about the dangers of breathing or eating. Should that be censored? Well, that would be assuming people are REALLY stupid and can't make daily, natural survival decisions like "I should eat occasionally" or "breathing means I can continue to live".

So, why do social media giants think we can't figure out the truth for ourselves? Do they really think we're that dumb? And are we really that duped into not thinking for ourselves?

Who gave social media giants the authority to moderate free speech? If information is false, let it be proven through the free exchange of ideas though discussion. The truth will come out. Or do they think we're too stupid to do our own research?

When "truth" is selected for you and "facts" are curated for you, with all other opinions suppressed, you have to ask yourself - why are they so afraid of free speech? And why are we allowing the first amendment to be so restricted and controlled?

This is not the America we know and love. #freefreespeech

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