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Voting for Biden is Not What You Think It Is

Republicans and Democrats need to realize something about the 2020 election: it’s no longer Republican vs. Democrat.

Photo Credit: Wall Street Journal

Let’s face it. Donald Trump could afford to spend less time on Twitter and think before he speaks – he definitely doesn’t always have a way with words.

Politics these days, on both sides of the aisle, are heated and divisive – full of personal attacks, intrigue, and chaos. In 2016, many of us felt that neither candidate would have been our first pick. And today, in 2020, many of us feel the same way again – Trump vs. Biden is not exactly the kind of political menu we’d like to pick from in a perfect world.

Due to a rough year with coronavirus and violence in our streets, as well as a mix of sentimental feelings about the Obama era, many Americans are wondering whether Biden may be the ticket to “build back better” – as his campaign slogan states – to recover from COVID-19 and everything that ails us as a nation. Republicans and Democrats should take another look at the Biden campaign and consider reality for a moment.

Truth be told, voting for Biden is not what you think it is.

First, voting for Biden will not bring back the Obama era.

The political left has moved on from that relatively docile Democratic administration of 2008-2016 (and many conservatives would even say that the Obama administration was not one they are fond of). Just look at the Biden campaign’s advisors: socialist extremists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are at the helm, and Biden committed to have Beto O’Rourke guiding his gun confiscation policies if elected president. This is the new left. Obama has been involved in the Biden campaign, but strangely, it has been in a delayed and hesitant way – isn’t that odd?

Republicans and Democrats need to realize something about the 2020 election: it’s no longer Republican vs. Democrat. The needle for defining the “Democrat” identity has moved sharply to the left. There’s traditional Democrat, and then there’s Democratic Socialist. The 2020 presidential race is truly becoming one between the “patriots who love their rights and freedoms” camp vs. the “burn it all down and start over with socialism” camp.

This is not hyperbole: this election is the most important in our lifetime, and will define the course of the United States for the next generation. So no, the Obama era is not coming back just because Biden was his VP. The Obama era is over. This is the new “Wild West” of the Democratic Socialist agenda. Moderate Democrats should absolutely think twice before committing to Biden out of Obama-era sentimentality. Biden will not bring back the good old days.

Second, voting for Biden is not actually voting for Biden.

Let me explain: Biden is 77 years old. Anyone with the smallest degree of observational skills can see that he is not only committing awkward social faux pas (sniffing women’s hair, giving them unwanted backrubs) or stumbling through various gaffes that politicians are prone to (as witnessed throughout the Obama-Biden 2008-2016 administration). This is something more, and even folks on the left are admitting it.

I say this with the utmost sympathy as someone who has seen friends journey through the difficulty of caring for their elderly relatives in mental decline. Truth is, Biden is cognitively not well. He displays many of the symptoms of dementia, if not Alzheimer’s: difficulty communicating or finding words, jumbled speech, slurring, inability to recognize common things (i.e. a phone ringing during one of his video interviews), irritability, lack of restraint, aggression (telling a woman “you’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier”) . . . the list goes on.

I truly feel sad for Biden because I understand that many of us will someday experience mental decline as well – and it is undoubtedly terrifying. But regardless of our sympathy, we must look at this situation in light of reality, and here it is: we have a man with dementia – or at the very least, in the throes of the onset of dementia – campaigning for the highest office in the land, in the hopes to become the leader of the free world. We have a man who struggles to form coherent sentences, often forgets where he is, talks about a gang leader called Corn Pop and kids rubbing his leg hair at the pool . . . odd and off-topic anecdotes to say the least.

Do we want this man entering critical negotiations on behalf of our country, acting as commander in chief over our military, and making life-or-death decisions for Americans? Do we want Biden telling Kim Jong Un about his leg hair, or giving Queen Rania an unwanted back rub and sniffing her hair? It sounds comedic, but it’s not. A Biden presidency would be more than just gaffes; it would mean significant national security blunders and it would significantly damage America’s strong reputation in the world. In 2019, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, stated that Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”. Adding dementia to the mix is not going to improve those odds.

And here’s my point: I believe we are going to see something that I call the dementia abdication theory. The left admits that Biden is not mentally sound. You’d have to be mentally unwell to not see the reality of it. Somehow, Biden is the frontrunner – or is he? It's likely that whoever Biden selects for his VP will actually be the real candidate for the Democratic ticket. Right after ballots are turned in, or shortly after inauguration, Biden will abdicate for “family and health reasons”. That leaves us very likely with a socialist-leaning VP who will upend the rule of law, our Constitution, and the America we hold dear. If Biden does not abdicate due to his dementia, he will become a puppet for his current puppeteers: AOC, Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke, Nancy Pelosi, and all of their ilk. So, voting for Biden is not truly voting for Biden. You are either voting for his VP or for his radical socialist puppeteers – neither of which have America’s best interest in mind when they want to burn it all down and overthrow “the system”.

This brings us to our third and final dose of reality:

Biden is no D.C. outsider.

He has been a politician since 1973 (and actually longer, if you count his stint in local politics). What makes us think that after 44 years (36 years in U.S. Senate, 8 years as VP), he will suddenly become more effective? How could he suddenly become a champion of social justice in 2020 when he and Obama had 8 years to resolve national racial strife, yet did very little to combat “systemic racism” and other problems that they blame on the current Trump administration? Biden is no “outsider”, and he doesn’t bring “new ideas”. He’s been bringing the same ideas to the table for over 40 years – ideas that are not helping the American people, but actually causing more harm. As mentioned above, he’s widely known in the military and national security community for being wrong about most national security decisions. Economically, he doesn’t fare too much better, either – and fortunately, we have data to indicate what his policies will do for our country. For example, here are the unemployment rates for the terms of respective candidates:

We have the privilege of hindsight to understand what Biden's "results" would be. Don't say you weren't warned - the data doesn't lie. Go into this election with your eyes wide open. Same old Biden, same old political games and lack of results.

So in summary, voting for Biden is not what you think it is, because:

  1. Voting for Biden will not bring back the Obama era; there has been a radicalization of the left, turning it into the “Democratic Socialist Party”. Sentimentality is no way to vote for a president – focus on results and what they mean for the future.

  2. Voting for Biden is not actually voting for Biden. According to my dementia abdication theory, Biden will either abdicate right as ballots are mailed in, or shortly after inauguration. The real candidate is either his VP or his puppeteers: AOC, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke, and others who want to radically change American laws and steal your basic rights.

  3. Voting for Biden will not bring new results; Biden is not a D.C. outsider, and he’s been a politician since 1973. Same poor results, different title.

You may not like Trump. You may even hate him, think you're a “never-Trumper”, and strongly believe "orange man bad". But you cannot deny reality. Biden is no savior who will bring back your longed-for Obama administration utopia; he clearly has dementia and he will promptly abdicate or be controlled by radical leftists who do not represent the views of most traditional Democrats. Let's face it: the Democratic party has been hijacked. Biden won't build back better. He will revert back to policies of failure, because that's all he can remember right now, and he'll leave the rest to socialist revisionists.

Don’t be a ditz. Think for yourself before you vote.

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