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  • theblondepatriot

We Are Among You

An unseen, massive underground movement is reaching every corner of American society, including the tech industry.

Regardless of the outcome of the 2020 election, one thing is certain: the recent sharp left-turn of the nation has ignited an underground movement that pervades every corner of society – including the tech industry.

No, I’m not talking about the “social justice” movement, BLM, or Antifa. I’m not even talking about foreign infiltration from China and Russia within tech companies – a phenomenon that exists in abundance. I’m talking about die-hard patriotic Americans that you’ll probably never know about because you can't and won't see us, in large measure because we keep our mouths shut and just do our jobs.

We’re your managers, secretaries, coworkers, contractors, chief executives, and interns. We come from all walks of life; we represent a mosaic of skin pigmentation and various ethnic, religious, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We are everywhere, and yet you cannot see us.

We believe in real equality – America as the Shining City on the Hill where people are not judged by the color of their skin (positively or negatively), but by the content of their character.

"We are everywhere, and yet you cannot see us . . . we move about in silence."

We are quiet professionals – we move about in silence, knowing that simply expressing our diverse views is no longer tolerated by the pejorative diversity police because dialogue is dead.

We reject the race-guilt narratives, the fake corporate hashtag campaigns to make a few bucks off a social cause, the ridiculous excuses for violence and looting in the name of “justice”, and the virtue signaling – good heavens, especially the virtue signaling – even from our own employers. We don't donate to Marxist, Communist or Anarchist groups that seek to destroy the American way of life. And we definitely won’t tell you who we voted for in 2016 or who we will vote for in 2020 – we already know your heads will explode with hate and incredulity.

We roll our eyes (internally, so as to not draw attention and be fired) when we hear one more person speak about privilege or the myriad other social justice brainwashing mantras that you try to cram down our throats. We silently cheer as President Trump works to ban critical race theory in the Federal Government and hope the private sector is next. We think you’re extremely unprofessional when you randomly spew vitriolic attacks against the President during work meetings. We’re actually amused at how much mental real estate Donald Trump takes up in your brain.

"We've learned how to play the game."

When you ask us what we thought about the agenda-ridden diversity training, we choke out the phrase, “I’m just enjoying listening to all of the great thoughts being shared here today” – and we don’t mean it one bit. We think it’s hogwash. We condemn it for what it is: socialist propaganda.

We’ve learned how to play the game. After all, some of us are breadwinners for our families – so we’ll just regurgitate what you want to hear if it means we can get back to our day jobs and put food on the table. The more you push us, the more we will shut down – but that doesn’t mean we’ve given up. It means we’re doubling down. We’ll probably also text the other “closet patriots” that we know at the company and chuckle at the insanity of it all, finding solace in knowing that we are not alone in our views.

We also know a little secret: if we refused to work in the tech industry because our feelings were hurt by everything that offended us, then how would we be able to infiltrate and have influence in every corner of society? So we press on. There are networks of us everywhere – watching, listening, observing, reporting.

"But even hoodie-clad tech bros and Birkenstock-and-flannel-wearing hipsters know when it’s time to face the music and make a choice."

Some of us didn’t start out this way. Some of us were drinking the Kool-Aid, too. But even hoodie-clad tech bros and Birkenstock-and-flannel-wearing hipsters know when it’s time to face the music and make a choice. Will we sell our souls to a culture of seething, greedy animosity steeped in a socialist agenda, or quietly and boldly stay true to what we believe by remaining closet patriots?

Something that you don't seem to understand is the notion of self-sacrifice, about putting something before yourself. God and Country are important to us. While you throw temper tantrums in the streets, we are quietly working on ways to get the technology that's being developed into the hands of the people who can do the most good with it – America's servicemembers, intelligence officers, and first responders. Most of the brightest minds in industry are among our ranks, and we intend to use our skills for God and Country.

Don’t misunderstand – we’re not just a bunch of boomers who can’t let go of traditional values. We span all ages, we’re comprised of all races, and we come from both genders. As cities continue to burn day after day, countless more patriots are being added to our ranks.

Within my own circle, several of my tech coworkers have become first-time gun owners in the last 4 months. The horror! Imagine people actually wanting to defend their life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness from a mob that just defunded the local police department and vows to “take what’s ours”, Molotov cocktail in hand. How dare they exercise their 2nd Amendment Rights? But think about it this way – are they any less entitled to their 2nd Amendment Rights than you're entitled to your 1st Amendment Rights? The constitution protects us all equally – you get your "orange man bad" picket sign, we get our God-given right to bear arms.

"We’re not going to be victims – we will protect ourselves, our families, and our friends."

These coworkers are people that I would have never imagined as gun owners. But they’ve been empowered. You're not the only "woke" ones, my dear comrades. You pushed my colleagues to this point, with your bullying and your excuses for violence, property destruction, and murder. We’re not going to be victims – we will protect ourselves, our families, and our friends. You are the reason that nearly 70% of gun purchases in the last month were by first-time buyers. You are the reason there’s a mass exodus from cities like Minneapolis, New York, San Francisco and Seattle – both for tech companies and residents who seek greener grass and redder states elsewhere.

You will undoubtedly rejoice if Biden wins in November. But make no mistake – for the foreseeable future, America remains a two-party country with millions of closet patriots quietly going about our business. We are everywhere. The tables will turn – they always do. History will not look kindly on your hate and closed-mindedness. Our courage continually rises with every attempt to intimidate us, because there’s something that runs in our blood that you will never be able to take away: the American spirit of patriotism.

And while you’re concerned about tearing down statues and cancelling the people you disagree with, we’ll be out there getting things done, influencing society where you least expect us, flying our flags, buying our guns, and living our best American life.

"We are among you."

So sing your second anthem – we’ll tune it out. Wave your socialist, Antifa, and BLM banners at your “peaceful protests” – we’ll still fly our American flags proudly at our homes and in our hearts, standing tall in gratitude for the freedoms our flag represents and all those who died for such freedom.

You may stir up division, scream at us in hate, and embarrass yourselves; we’ll be over here joining together with one voice as proud and honorable Americans who know what a gem this country is, and who are resolute in the knowledge that the American Experiment is stronger than your feckless assault on democracy will ever be.

You’ve been advised and now you know. An unseen, massive underground movement is underway – one which you have no power to cancel. We are the silent majority, no MAGA hat required. We love our country, we aren’t going anywhere, and we are among you.

Written by "closet patriots" in the tech industry who will remain nameless to protect their lives and identities.

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